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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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June 26 - July 19, 2020

Virtual Opening, Friday, June 26, 7 pm
featuring a livestream video of the exhibition on Facebook

Artspace Members Exhibition

Installed at the Gallery

Santa Sergio De Haven

Navigation by words and pictures

Suzanne Gallery

Artwork is available for purchase from our online store. Click here.

'Flash Back,' Collage, 20 x 16	inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

Flash Back
20 x 16

'"E" Collage,' Collage, 25 x 19 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

"E" Collage
25 x 19

'How Memory appears on the Horizon,' Collage, 20 x 16 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

How Memory appears on the Horizon
20 x 16

'The eons around us,' Collage, 32 x 17 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

The eons around us
32 x 17

'When the Night Comes,' Collage, 16 x 20 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

When the Night Comes
16 x 20

'The spell was cast,' Collage, 12 x 14 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

The spell was cast
12 x 14

'Strata,' Collage, 13 x 16 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

13 x 16

'Not a Day Goes By,' Collage, 24 x 30 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

Not a Day Goes By
24 x 30

'Time Share,' Collage, 19 x 25 inches, by Santa Sergio De Haven

Time Share
19 x 25

Things may be the same things, but we have shifted. What do you do when you can't do what you have always done?

We were all hearing that this new flu was spreading like an oil spill around the world. It would reach us. And it did. And we hunkered down and stayed home and stayed away - from friends and family, work and stores.

People lost jobs. People hoarded toilet paper. People baked. People gardened. They cleaned out their closets and binge watched movies on demand. People played music and sang. People got sick. People died.

The days before we sheltered in place had an urgency. I bought evaporated milk and took paper and pens, colored pencils, brushes and watercolors, and a thick, pink journal from my studio. And not every day, but most days, I wrote. I wrote to remember what we ate, what we watched, who we saw. How we went to the store and learned how to make masks and danced around neighbors on our walks. Kids learned to ride bikes and drew on the sidewalks with chalk. All that did happen, and I considered what might happen, what could happen. All the parts of the day and the news of the world were bumping up against each other. Each a paragraph in a surreal narrative like the elements in the collages I have made using mages of the familiar - unmoored in space, in unexpected perspective, edges touching briefly, demanding connection.

Artwork is available for purchase from our online store. Click here.

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Page Updated 6/24/2020 11:44:29 AM