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a non-profit gallery for the visual and performing arts

2833-A Hathaway Rd., Richmond, VA 23225
in the Stratford Hills Shopping Center

Gallery hours beginning Saturday, January 22, 2022:
Noon to 4pm, Tuesday - Sunday
Free and Open to the Public
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Selected Artist

Michael Holt

Washington, DC

'Mad Dumps on Trump Mad' by Michael Holt

Mad Dumps on Trump Mad
Mad Magazine and Exacto Blade

Artist Statement

"I grew up in the Rust Belt during the middle-class manufacturing decline of the 80’s. More specifically, I grew up in a lake town in Ohio that at one time relied heavily on local automotive manufacturing and an Amusement Park. The manufacturing moved out, changed, or disappeared entirely by the time I graduated.

I remember repeated, methodical, haunted echoes of the American Dream everywhere in movies, music, advertisements and in the media. We were acutely aware that we were not participating in it.

Our playgrounds were the apocalyptic wasteland of the Cold War. Rusting metal and cornfields. Neon and concrete at a million miles an hour to the tune of some ancient carousel. We were nourished by the bread and circus of the amusement park. My fascinations and obsessions became cemented in the plastic representations of American culture and reality, the things and ideas left behind in the wasteland, and the weirdness of the human species as tourist."


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Page Last Updated On: 3/13/2019 5:45:42 PM